Beyond Function moved on June 1, 2021. Please be aware that navigation apps for our new location can be inaccurate. Please check before you go to make sure you are headed to the right place! We are located near K-7 and College in NW Olathe.
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want to start the intake process? Great!
It is secure and easy.
Here is how it works:
Using this form, please enter your email address and let us know you want access to the online intake forms. INCLUDE YOUR CHILD'S NAME.
A link will be sent to the e-mail listed by you on the web form here.
Look for our email (check spam folder!) and click on the link. It will take you to the secure patient portal where you can complete the intake and privacy forms.
You will also need your child's primary healthcare provider to FAX ORDERS to 913-440-4745.